This season of renewal is the perfect time to go through your makeup, cosmetics and skin care and purge what might be spoiled, turned or contaminated. Some products have an expiration date printed on them, but that is only a guideline. The way products are stored and handled may make them separate or become filled with bacteria way before that date, or even last longer than that date if you’re careful with them.
Eye products have the shortest open shelf life, and some experts suggest replacing mascara every three months. As you can see, some experts don’t wear mascara very often because if they did they would know most mascaras run out way before then. And it’s a big no-no to add water or any other solvent to extend your supply. That’s right – they’re watching you.
Here are some basic rules for storing and handling cosmetics:
Keep them in a cool, dry place – that doesn’t mean a chic spot that lost its liquor license.
Avoid extreme temperatures, like sweltering in the car in the summer.
Use clean hands and utensils when applying. Yes, you have to wash your makeup brushes regularly.
Don’t share. If your friend has just got to try that color, put some on a fresh cotton swab or tissue for her protection (and yours).
Use common sense. If it has changed color, scent or consistency since you opened it you’re better safe than sorry you caused a nasty eye infection.
It’s probably time to say goodbye to a product if it falls into any of these categories:
• It seemed like a good idea at the time you bought it
• The color might come back into style some day
• You wore it because you got a compliment on it once time….from your ex
• The lady at the return counter assured you it’s supposed to make your skin react that way